Thursday, August 19, 2010

Heart Disease and Heart Attacks: What Women Need to Know

Are women at risk?
Women are at risk for heart disease and heart attacks, just like men. In fact:

Heart disease is the leading cause of death among women over 65.
American women are 4 to 6 times more likely to die of heart disease than of breast cancer.
Heart disease kills more women over 65 than all cancers combined.
Women develop heart problems later in life than men -- typically 7 or 8 years later. However, by about age 65, a woman's risk is almost the same as a man's. Also, the rates of heart attack over the last 20 years have been increasing for women aged 35 to 54. It makes sense for women to pay attention to their heart health.

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What are the symptoms of a heart attack in women?
Like in men, the most common heart attack symptom for women is pain or discomfort in the chest. However, women can also have a heart attack without having any chest pain. Some of the other symptoms women might experience include:
Feeling out of breath
Pain that runs along the neck, jaw, or upper back
Nausea, vomiting or indigestion
Unexplained sweating
Sudden or overwhelming fatigue

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What do I need to know about heart disease and heart attacks?
Women are less likely to survive heart attacks than men. No one knows why. It may be that women don't seek or receive treatment as soon as men, or that they don’t recognize the symptoms of a heart attack, which can be different to the symptoms that men experience. It may be because women's smaller hearts and blood vessels are more easily damaged. Doctors are working on finding answers to these questions. Clearly, it makes sense to prevent heart problems before they start.

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What can I do to protect myself from heart disease?
For both men and women, the biggest factors that contribute to heart disease are
high blood pressure
high cholesterol
family history
Take a moment to consider your lifestyle, family history and your general health. With this information, you and your family doctor can assess your risk and make a plan to avoid potential problems. Although you can't do much about your family history or your age, you can make lifestyle changes to avoid many of the other risk factors (see below).

Don’t smoke. Smoking is a major risk factor for heart disease in women. More than half of the heart attacks in women under 50 are related to smoking. If you stop smoking, you can lower your risk of heart attack by one third within 2 years. Women who smoke and use birth control pills increase their risk even more. Different products can help you quit smoking. You may want to try using nicotine skin patches or nicotine gum; these types of medicines are available over the counter. There are also prescription medicines available that can help you stop smoking. Talk to your doctor about the best way for you to quit smoking. Breathing smoke from someone else's cigarettes is also bad for your heart and lungs. If you live with someone who smokes, encourage him or her to quit.

Control your blood pressure. Treating high blood pressure can lower your risk of heart attack and stroke. A healthy diet, losing weight and exercising regularly are all ways to help control high blood pressure. Reducing how much salt you consume can also help. If these steps don't lower your blood pressure, your doctor may recommend medicine for you to take.

Control your cholesterol level. If you don't know your level, ask your doctor to check it. Screening is recommended for women aged 45 and older with any other risk factors for heart disease. Healthy diet is a key part of lowering high cholesterol levels. However, some people may need to take medicine in addition to improving their diet and exercise.

Maintain a healthy weight. Extra weight puts strain on your heart and arteries. Exercise and a low-fat diet can help you lose weight. Being overweight means you have a higher risk for many other health problems, especially diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. If you're overweight, talk to your doctor about a safe and effective way to lose weight.

Exercise regularly. Remember, your heart is a muscle. It needs regular exercise to stay in shape. Aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, swimming, jogging or cycling, gives your heart the best workout. You can also use fitness equipment like exercise bicycles, treadmills and ski machines when exercising indoors. Finding an exercise partner may make it easier and safer for you to exercise regularly. Aim to exercise at least 30 to 60 minutes, 4 to 6 times a week. Talk to your doctor before starting an exercise program.

Eat a low-fat diet. Keep fat calories to 30% or less of the total calories you eat during a day and avoid saturated fat (like the fat in meats and dairy products). Information is available to help you make healthy choices. For example, food labels list nutrition information, including fat calories, many cookbooks have heart-healthy recipes, and some restaurants serve low-fat menu items.

Take care of your diabetes. If you have diabetes, regular exercise, weight control, a low-fat diet and regular doctor visits are important. If you need to take medicine for diabetes, be sure to take it exactly as your doctor tells you to.

Be aware of chest pain. Be sure to contact your doctor immediately if you suffer from pain in your chest, shoulder, neck or jaw. Also notify your doctor if you experience shortness of breath or nausea that comes on quickly. If you are having a heart attack, the faster you can get to the hospital, the less damage will happen to your heart. Every second counts.

Know your family history. Having a father or brother with heart disease before age 55, or a mother or sister with heart disease before age 65, are factors that contribute to heart disease. Inform your doctor about your family history.

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Will medicine lower my risk of heart disease and heart attacks?
Cholesterol-lowering medicines lower the risk of heart attacks in men. However, there is not enough evidence to show that these medicines work as well in women who have never had a heart attack. If you have already had a heart attack, cholesterol-lowering medicines can lower your risk of another attack.

Taking an aspirin every day may lower your risk of problems if you have coronary artery disease, a heart attack or angina. Aspirin makes your blood thinner, so it is less likely to make a blood clot. However, aspirin can cause gastrointestinal bleeding and other problems. Talk to your doctor about your risk factors for heart disease and whether you should consider taking aspirin.

Angina is chest pain caused by a sudden decrease in the blood supply to the heart. Medicines called statins, beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors may also help if you have heart problems. Ask your doctor if any of these medicines are right for you.

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Can estrogen replacement therapy reduce my risk for heart disease?
No. Estrogen replacement therapy, also called hormone replacement therapy (HRT), was prescribed by doctors because they hoped it could help guard against certain diseases as well as treat the symptoms of menopause. It was once thought that HRT could help protect against heart disease. New studies have shown that when it comes to heart health, HRT actually does more harm than good. If you’re taking HRT to help prevent heart disease, talk to your doctor about whether you should stop.

What You Can Do to Maintain Your Health

Do my habits really affect my health?
Yes, very much so. All of the major causes of death (such as cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung disease and injury) can be prevented in part by making healthy lifestyle choices.

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Don't smoke or use tobacco.
Smoking and using tobacco are very dangerous habits. Smoking causes 440,000 deaths in the United States every year. More preventable illnesses (such as emphysema, mouth, throat and lung cancer, and heart disease) are caused by tobacco use than by anything else. The sooner you quit, the better.

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Limit how much alcohol you drink.
This means no more than 2 drinks a day for men and 1 drink a day for women. One drink is equal to 1 can of beer (12 ounces), a 4-ounce glass of wine or a jigger (1 ounce) of liquor.

Too much alcohol can damage the liver and contribute to some cancers, such as throat and liver cancer. Alcohol also contributes to deaths from car wrecks, murders and suicides.

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Eat healthy.
A healthy diet has many health benefits. Heart disease, certain cancers, stroke, diabetes and damage to your arteries can be linked to what you eat. By making healthier food choices, you can also lower your cholesterol and lose weight.

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Lose weight if you're overweight.
Many Americans are overweight. Carrying too much weight increases your risk for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, certain cancers, gallbladder disease and arthritis in the weight-bearing joints (such as the spine, hips or knees). A high-fiber, low-fat diet and regular exercise can help you lose weight and keep it off.

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Exercise can help prevent heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoporosis and depression. It can also help prevent colon cancer, stroke and back injury. You'll feel better and keep your weight under control if you exercise regularly. Try to exercise for 30 to 60 minutes, 4 to 6 times a week, but remember that any amount of exercise is better than none.

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Don't sunbathe or use tanning booths.
Sun exposure is linked to skin cancer, which is the most common type of cancer in the United States. It's best to limit sun exposure and wear protective clothing and hats when you are outside. Sunscreen is also very important. It protects your skin and will help prevent skin cancer. Make sure you use sunscreen year round on exposed skin (such as your face and hands). Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least an SPF 15 and one that blocks both UVA and UVB light.

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Practice safe sex.
The safest sex is between 2 people who are only having sex with each other and who don't have a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or share needles to inject drugs.

Use latex condoms and a spermicide (a product that kills sperm) gel or cream. Talk with your doctor about being tested year for STIs.

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Keep your shots up to date.
Adults need a tetanus-diphtheria booster every 10 years. Your doctor may substitute one Td booster with Tdap, which also protects you against pertussis (whooping cough). You should also get a flu shot each year. Ask your doctor if you need other shots or vaccines.

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Check your breasts.
Breast cancer is the second most common cause of death for women. Have your doctor check your breasts every 1 to 2 years until you're 40 years of age. After age 40, you should have a yearly clinical exam and a mammogram.

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Get regular Pap smears.
Cancer of the cervix in women can be detected by regular Pap smears. Start having them when you begin having sex or by age 18. You'll need them once a year at first, until you've had at least 3 normal Pap tests. After this, you should have them at least every 3 years.

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Ask your doctor about other cancer screenings.
Adults over 50 years of age should ask their doctor about being checked for colorectal cancer. Men 50 years of age or older should discuss with their doctor the risks and benefits of being screened for prostate cancer.

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Should I have a yearly physical?
Health screenings are replacing the yearly physical. Instead of every person getting the same exams and tests, only the appropriate ones are given. Talk to your family doctor about your risk factors and what tests and exams are right for you.